An affiliate chapter of the Organization of American Kodaly Educators

Winter Workshop:

Alice Hammel

Teaching Music to Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Saturday, February 22, 2024
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Christopher Newport University
Newport News, VA

Students with ASD are sometimes challenged by cognition, communication, and socialization. During this workshop, we will dive into the mind of students with ASD and learn about ways their brains are different from those who are neurotypical. This is an active workshop, so please dress accordingly

About Our Clinician

Grammy Award Nominated music educator, Dr. Alice Hammel, was the 2023 National Association for Music Education (NAfME) Lowell Mason Fellow, Virginia Music Educator Association Outstanding Educator (2018), and is the current Past-President of the Virginia Music Educators Association. She is a widely known music educator, author, and clinician whose experience in music is extraordinarily diverse. She is a member of the faculty of The University of Arkansas, and has many years of experience teaching instrumental and choral music in public and private schools. Dr. Hammel has put these varied experiences to great use while compiling a large body of scholarly work. She is a co-author for four texts: Teaching Music to Students with Differences and Disabilities: A Label-free Approach, Teaching Music to Students with Autism, Winding It Back: Teaching to Individual Differences in Music Classroom and Ensemble Settings, and Teaching Music to Students with Differences and Disabilities: A Practical Resource. Dr. Hammel is Past-President of the Council for Exceptional Children – Division for Visual and Performing Arts Education and was recently awarded their Past President Award for Excellence. She is a proponent of Music Will and the Modern Band movement.

Dr. Alice Hammel


Inform visitors about your business location and working hours.


Christopher Newport University
1 Avenue of the Arts,
Newport News, VA 23606

Parking Information

Parking can be found in the rear of the Ferguson Center in the Ferguson Center Parking Deck (there is no charge for parking). After leaving the Parking garage head toward the rear middle entrance of the Ferguson building. We will have signs posted on the door. As soon as you enter, you will be in the lobby of our gathering space, room 106- the large band rehearsal room. Coffee/tea and light refreshments will be available starting at 8:30am.

a close up of a green plant with lots of leaves

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Follow the link for registration and payment.